
* MVR 02940 * MV11966 / 7006 S.W. 13th Street - Miami, Florida 33144


Vehicle Maintenance

In need of vehicle maintenance? We offer many services. 

Today the automobile is an integral part of our daily life. We have grown accustomed to vehicles that start and move at our command, usually overlooking the intricacies that make automobiles function properly. When a vehicle fails to start, more often than not it is because of neglect. Automobile maintenance can be very rewarding if done properly; here are a few tips that can help you save money on vehicle parts and repair services.

  • A well-tuned car has a fuel consumption 25% to 33% lower than a poorly tuned car.
  • Oil and filter changes should be done every 3,000 miles.
  • A dirty air filter equals more fuel consumption, in turn, reducing engine life.
  • If your tires are improperly balanced the tire tread will rapidly deplete.
  • Washing your vehicle regularly and waxing it periodically will maintain the vehicle’s shine and keep it free from corrosion.
  • Take care of any minor concerns quickly, to avoid serious problems and costly repairs later.
At Charlie’s, we offer numerous vehicle maintenance services, aimed at keeping your vehicle performing properly:
  • Brake work
  • Exhaust work
  • Battery replacement
  • Tune-ups
  • Oil changes & lubes